Friday, April 29, 2011

How to Keep Your Girlfriend Happy

    1. 1
    Listen to her
    . If she has mentioned that something you do bothers her, change your behavior. We are not saying that you should change who you are, but relationships require compromise from both ends.

  1. 2
    Tell the truth. Lies will drive a wedge of suspicion and mistrust between you and your girlfriend that you may never be able to fix. You may throw away a whole relationship with just one act of mistrust. Your actions should also prove to her that you are trustworthy. Conversations you have with other women should never border the line of being flirtatious or intimate. She needs to know that she can trust you in speech and conduct even in the little things. If you have a hard time with this one, maybe you aren't ready for a relationship.
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    Be spontaneous. Surprise her with flowers or notes. Whisk her away to an unplanned romantic dinner, day, or weekend. (However, make sure you plan it on a night/day/weekend when you know she won't have things to do).
    • Take her somewhere new. Many girls will get bored if you take them to the same place time after time (unless it's a special place for the both of you) so mix it up a little.
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    Be considerate. Recognize when she needs you to be there for her and when she needs to be alone.
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    Give each other space. Don't smother your girlfriend—you want her to be excited each time she sees or hears from you.
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    Return her calls. Unless she specifies that you don't need to call her back, it's good to get back to her when your girlfriend calls you.
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    Get her a gifts. It doesn't have to be big—even a small gift, like her favorite candy bar, goes a long way. Be listening to things she's wanted and surprise her with them from time to time.
    • If it's a big holiday, listen to hints she may be dropping about what she wants. Thoughtful gifts will show her you care.
    • Put some thought into it! What does she like? Does she have any collections? Does she have a wish list somewhere you can buy from? Has she mentioned wanting anything lately?
    • Get her something she can wear every day to remind her of you! A locket with a picture of you inside is an awesome idea.
    • If she gets you a gift for a holiday and you don't get her one in return, she's probably going to be bummed (even if she doesn't admit it). If this has happened in the past, make sure it won't happen again—and make up for doing it with a few surprise gifts.
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    Confide in her. Open up to her in a way that you don't do for most people. Keep her secrets when she does the same to you.
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    Defend her. If someone is teasing her take her side or no side. Girls need to know that their man has their back at all times. How would you feel if she took her friends or your friends side over yours?
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    Respect her. Remember than your girlfriend is not your "property." Be mindful of her opinions and desires, even if they differ from your own.
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    Make her feel special. While it is completely permissible for you to be friends with other girls in the proper context, don't flirt or put yourself in situations that will make you or her uncomfortable. Women have a strong sense of intuition and often times may see a compromising situation when men only see something innocent. Listen to her. Don't talk about other girls' appearances in front of her either, even if it's a celebrity. Tell her occasionally: "You're my only girl" or "you're the only girl I have feelings for" or something similar.
    • Never ignore her. It hurts immensely, and if you ignore her enough it may make her think about dumping you (although she won't let you know unless she decides to go through with it). Don't leave her waiting, either.
    • Text her when you're thinking about her. But DO NOT text anything you might not want her friends or family to read. Because once you have sent it, its on her phone forever for anyone to read.
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    Make her laugh. This doesn't mean that you should tell corny jokes at every opportunity. Know what kind of humor she likes. If she's upset, try and cheer her up (without being crass).
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    Please her friends and family. If her friends and family don't like you, she may have second thoughts about you herself.
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    Treat her like a princess! Open doors for her, offer her your jacket, pull her chair out for her, and stand up when she enters the room! When you take her on dates, don't let her pay. She'll love these little gestures.
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    Compliment her. Tell her she is beautiful, especially when she least expects it. Girls can spend a lot of effort trying to look nice, and it will make her happy that you noticed. Make your compliments meaningful and truthful. Instead of "Your hair is pretty," try "I really like the way you did your hair tonight! It looks so soft and beautiful." Say what you like about what you like
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    Don't take her for granted. Keep in mind that she could leave you whenever she wanted, so you'd better work hard at keeping her happy so that you can keep her as your girlfriend. Girls will only take so much hurt in a relationship. If you find that you are constantly hurting her, it won't be long before you lose her. If you want to keep her it's time to start treating her like a real man would.
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    Don't be ashamed to compliment her or show her affection in front of others. Real men aren't ashamed to show the world they've found a good woman and your girl will love you for that. People talk publicly about the things they value, she will instantly feel like a priority if you are confident enough to show the world how you feel about her.


    • Be sure to spend time alone with your girlfriend.
    • Listen to what she says and say a little along with it.
    • Gifts don't need reasons to be given. Give her gifts on normal days. If you have no idea what gift to be given, send her a letter (begin with the least affection).
    • Let her know she is appreciated.
    • Do little things, she will be thankful for them; things like opening doors for her or pick up her pencil when it falls.
    • Girls like guys who work hard for her affection.
    • Get to know her favorite music band and find a song that you like so you can have a topic to talk to her about.
    • Try getting her a gift for a surprise once in awhile.
    • Whenever you smile, really mean it. Look into her eyes and smile as if you were seeing them twinkle. It makes you feel really happy and comfortable with each other, and shows feeling.
    • Be spontaneous but still give her some space.
    • Try to be friends with her friends even if her friends are annoying.
    • Remember: girls love romance. There is nothing a girl likes more than a nice candlelit dinner. Be an outstanding boyfriend and actually think about your girlfriend and her needs. In return, she should do the same.
    • Do not get too comfortable in the relationship. Keep doing the same things you did to get her and you will be amazed at how much she will give back in return.
    • When you hang out with other girls that your friends with, make sure to invite your girlfriend so that she can meet these girls and be comfortable with you spending time with them.
    • Make sure to remember her birthday, your anniversary and get her nice surprises. If you are forgetful or at a loss for ideas, take a look at the free service:

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