Wednesday, June 15, 2011


           This is my count down to our &th monthsarry.! Congrats to us! you are such a great blessing for me im so blessed to have you moo. thanks for all the memories we share our laughs and downs :) through pain and joy. LOVE is like a life there is a up and downs hardship, affliction ,trials but like  life LOVE must go on haha:) you are so sweet my only one lets make our love remains and endure everything to make the story short lets make it for ever. coz moo i want to spend my forever with you. 
           Sorry for all the wrong things I say and do. Thanks for everything moo every single effort counts. stay blessed like God blessed me because of you. i love you so much moo i love you more and more and more go go go go go go!

From your monkey (who loves you so much)

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